Sunday, June 15, 2008

Panic 3.0

There was the panic of thinking I'd never have more than one child. Then came the panic of wondering if I could handle more than one child. (I don't think I ever came to terms with that--just forgot about it for a while.) Tonight, a new level of panic hit...

Her Nibs likes me to put her to bed when I can, since I often work 4 nights a week. Tonight, I was off, so I helped her shower off the day's dirt (her first shower 'by herself'!), read her stories and brushed her teeth. The teeth. I know this is important, but it is by far the most dreaded portion of the bedtime routine. It should take 2 minutes-maybe 5 tops. With Her Nibs, between spitting extra times, pausing to check in the mirror, wiping her mouth as we go along instead of just at the end, or just breaking into dance, it rarely happens in under 10. Tonight, as usual I'm afraid, I found myself saying "Focus! Let's just finish brushing!" "No. You have to keep your mouth OPEN." "Open AND facing me, please." "Just stop moving so we can get this done." There was definitely a "RINSE! DON'T DRINK! You're not suppose to swallow toothpaste, honey." And there may very well have been more. What's worse, I know my hurry and frustration come from totally selfish motivations like "I want you in bed as soon as possible so that I can be 'off the clock'" instead of any genuine concern for her well-being.

Her Nibs is so very loving, and also extremely bright and creative. If I don't have enough patience for her, how can I ever have the patience I need for a son who will, in all likely-hood, move even slower than her?


~Rachel~ said...

I have faith in you. You are an amazing Mother. I'm sure there will be good and bad days, but I know when it's asked of you for added patience or whatever else may come your way you ill be able to find it. I'll be here if you ever need to talk. I look forward to meeting your angel boy.

Urban Tangerine said...

You know me. It's me, your sister. You wouldn't recognize me the way people talk about me nowadays. They think I have infinite patience. I had a really hard time vanquishing my outer-control-freak (especially with the first 3 children), but every child makes that maniacal side of me smaller and smaller. You can definitely do this!

Love you!!!