Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You've come a long way, Baby!

Mermaid continues to progress at a steady pace. She gives us all something to smile about.
Mermaid's words or word-like syllables:
hair*cheese (for taking pictures)*Jesus*me*banana
ball*go*meow*woof-woof*night-night*okay*thank you
please*wash*pee-pee*belly-button*waa, waa, waa (baby crying)

Mermaid's signs include:

Mermaid's skills include:
climbing up bunk bed ladders, walking upright ascending/descending stairs while holding to the railing, digging, turning lights on and off, climbing onto the dinner table, dancing, singing, moving chairs to climb up to whatever she's interested in, feeding herself with a spoon, thumbing through books, brushing hair, brushing teeth, hugging, comforting pats, twisting the tops of bottles and cups, stealing pacifiers, opening refrigerators, opening drawers and emptying all the contents onto the floor, greeting everyone with a smile, pat, five, handshake and/or kiss, simple puzzles, and other feats of strength and dexterity.

She is working on JuMpInG!!!


Tamara said...

:) hee hee! sounds like she's getting into that exploring phase!!! so fun!

Plainbellied said...

Oh my goodness! What a little lady she is! I'm so proud of her!!!!!!! And you, too!

vdg family said...

Yay Mermaid! Wonderful progress. Post a video, if you will when she starts jumping. I love kidlets jumping!