Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Mystery Continues

The Boy (aka Captain Handsome Pants) has no food allergies whatsoever. Milk, wheat, gluten, cinnamon... he's not allergic to any of it. So... uh, um... I'm not really sure where to go from here.

I'm switching body wash. That's done. Maybe that's what caused the rash all along. But this is about more than just the rash now. When I went off dairy, I noticed an increase in my energy levels, and a bizarre side-affect with my hormones (who ever heard of a 7 day cycle?). So, I'm not that anxious to dive back into dairy land, and any milk I do have from here on out will probably be organic (or at least hormone-free). And when I went off gluten (much harder than going dairy-free), it only took a couple of days to see an improvement in The Boy. He was smiley again. I mean, smiling at every glance and word. Happy. Not just quiet. And for the first time in months and months and months (like 6 months), he was pooping on his own. Hurray! Then the Celiac test came back negative, so I went back on bread, and he was plugged up within a day or two. *sigh* Thank goodness for my awesome infant massage skills. I have put them to good use. Back off gluten again, and The Boy is moving things like a pro.

So what's next? I'm still pursuing things with the allergist to figure out the rash (namely the chemicals from the body wash I was using). And she said that The Boy could have an intolerance to gluten, though not an allergy in the academic/clinical sense of the word. What the heck does that mean? I think I need to find a GI.

In good news, The Boy is using the potty already. He has needed so much help with his bowels, he's not in the habit of going with his diaper on. His OT said I should start putting him on the potty when I could tell he needed to go, and it's paid off. He's even started peeing on the potty, too. He still wets his diapers, but almost anytime I put him on the potty, he makes something. Then I let him watch it flush down while we waive 'bye'. It feels pretty darn good to be advanced on something.


Cacooning said...

I'm sorry you don't know what's wrong yet, but I'm glad you've learned so much and have more energy and a smiley and super advanced child :)

Urban Tangerine said...

What an amazing discovery process. So, even though you didn't find the solution to your problem, you learned how to improve your quality of life in ways that you weren't even considering. Mermaid progresses faster off dairy/wheat and high on fruits/veggies. It's almost like we were designed for that stuff. ;) Good luck in your continuing investigation. Thanks for sharing all that you are learning. You are a dedicated mother and an inspiration.

SumGreater said...

What a lucky kid that Boy is! And I'm so glad you're feeling better, too. Going hormone free is a great idea. I'm so impressed with all the changes you're willing to make for the happiness and health of your family.

beth said...

Wow super crazy.... and Yipee!!!!!! whoot whoot!

Wonder Woman said...

My 3 yo still struggles with the potty. This is amazing!!!!

I hope you don't mind, but I shared your site with a friend who's sister just had a baby with Down's. And I know you guys aren't doing this for exposure, but have you considered listing this blog with Mormon Mommy Blogs? They have a massive network of over 1000 blogs, and several categories. I'm sure there are other mothers of Down's children who would benefit from all you share here. Just a thought.