Two weeks ago Mermaid took her first unassisted steps. There were at least four witnesses screaming excitedly for me to turn around. I missed it, twice! She spent the next ten days asserting her independence by lying on her back. Now we are practicing walking like two dancers. We face each other and hold one hand. Mermaid is skeptical of this arrangement and frequently holds her ground waiting for my other hand or she lunges forward for a body hold. Still, Mermaid is a natural leader pushing me backwards all around the apartment. It's fun to see where she wants to go.
The physical therapist has been telling me for months, "She'll be walking soon." I can't get too hung up on that kind of language. Progress moves a half step forward and a quarter step back. I trust that she'll get there in her own good time. I should give myself and my other kids that same kind of leeway. Meanwhile, Mermaid crawls like she's swimming. I think she's growing up too fast and My Hero is grateful to have a child who is mile-stoning at a rate that he can track. What's next? Flying?!
Love, love, love this picture! And love that girl!
She gets legs and no one took her voice away. What an adorable lucky little girl.
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