Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Mundane

Someone in my area is joining the club. She found out in May that her baby girl (due in October) will have Down syndrome. She introduced herself and posed a practical question: "What are some of the hardest things you have to deal with in the everyday life of your child with Down syndrome?"

I thought back through The Boy's 8 months in our family as an array of answers grazed past me. Surprisingly, it was the most mundane response of all the lingered and eventually settled in: exhaustion.

And you know what? That's kind of a relief.

It's a hassle to clean The Boy's helmet. And I've forgotten his touch therapy for the better part of the past 2 weeks. I hated lugging around his oxygen tank after he was first born, and it's irritating not being able to let him 'straddle' anything for a month while he recovers from his surgery. I sometime feel strapped for time as I schedule and attend his many appointments (and struggle to get the house straightened for the 'at home' ones). I even worry that I may be draining my support group a little by asking them to watch Her Nibs so often while I deal with The Boy's appointments.

But I only really feel overwhelmed by it when I'm sleep deprived. A little rest and even a child with many special needs becomes quite manageable.

The dishes are another matter....


Urban Tangerine said...

I agree.

SumGreater said...

I'm really proud of you two. I'm so glad you're my sisters. And I'm so happy to be the aunt of such wonderful children.