Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Next Hurdle

The Boy is almost sitting. In fact, for about 2 seconds at a time, he can actually sit completely unassisted. Today, he was prop sitting and pushed up, or maybe used his abs to pull himself up, to a regular seated position before starting to topple over. I'm so proud!

The next big thing is treadmill training. I can't imbed the video here, but you've got to check out this link. By the end of the summer, I want to be doing this with The Boy. Then we'll be starting speech therapy, too, etc., but I can't tell you how excited I am about this research coming out of the University of Michigan by Drs Dale and Beverly Ulrich. This will make a big difference.

The Boy visited the Down Syndrome clinic last week and was declared a success. He's doing very well, and the therapists attributed a lot of that success to his very, very early intervention. That makes me and Turtar feel so good. Extra validation from a professional source somehow felt really fabulous. I've wondered more than once if our therapy sessions and working with The Boy on our own was making any difference at all. I guess it is. That is encouraging. I will try to keep it up.


Cacooning said...

Yeah for validation. Please tell the boy congrats from us.

Zoo Keeper Mom said...

Let's here it for The Boy! (sing along, please, by all means!)
Way to go momma and dad, too!

I might find this info by delving back into the blog posts, but it is easier to ask. What is The Boy's birthday?
Matthew is turning 5 in a week, so I know it is about the right time of year to wish Her Nibs a very Happy Birthday as well!