Thursday, July 10, 2008


Yeah. I know. He's pretty much gorgeous (and with quite a schnoze, too). Sometimes I wake up and think: It's all a mistake. When my baby boy is born, he will be healthy and normal. He especially will not have Down syndrome. What is counting chromosomes suppose to prove anyway?


Natalie Merchant's song "Wonder" fits Mermaid better (for reasons of gender), but I've adopted it, too, as part of a new logo. I'm making a onesie for Lizard Loaf with this on it:


Wonder Woman said...

He is precious. Those 3D pics are funny 'cuz it's still in 2D. :o)

Wonder....I like it.

Urban Tangerine said...

I love the logo. sumgrater mentioned it to me and in my head i thought it was 21wonder. yours is so much cuter and i love a good word play. That's so awesome. You should sell the onesies on the and places like that. Will you make one for Mermaid? I'll pay for the supplies...I'll let you know if we may want some for the whole family or something.