Sunday, March 22, 2009

skull cap

The Boy had a head scan this week to see if he needs a helmet. Looks like he does. He has a pretty classic case of Symmetrical Brachycephaly, which means the back of his head is mega flat and the sides are squashed out to be extra wide. Normally, the width of a head is less than 90% of the length, but The Boy's width and length are almost even steven. Here are some pictures of him in his head sock pre-scan. This fancy eye-safe laser created a 3D rendering of his head, which will also be used to make his helmet, so he won't have to do a plaster cast. Hurray for technology!

For all kinds of details about head deformations, helmets, etc., check out Orthomerica's website. They even have a little video that shows how they do the scan.


Cacooning said...

I guess we'll see a picture of The Boy with his helmet and skateboard pretty soon. I'm sure he'll be cute (as always), but I'm sorry that you have one more thing to worry about.

Justin said...

Apparently, we have a friend in common. My name is Stephanie, and my nine-year-old son has Down syndrome, We are actually visiting Julie in St. Simon's. When she mentioned you, I remembered that Pat Bauer had told me about your site. Email me sometime at